The Game Where Everyone Is A Winner

“It isn’t often an entire family and their friends can enjoy the same activity, often at the same time,” says Jeff Fraser, Owner of Flex Court of Madison.

“But, all weather  surfaces, such as the Flex Court system and other like them, have been developed to be used indoors or outdoors and are engineered to reduce stress on back and lower body extremities.  This allows participants of all ages to play basketball, tennis, volleyball, aerobics, gym accessories, and other games/activities on a body friendly surface.

”Much More Than Just Better For Your Back

In addition, the general performance of these types of courts is perfect for residential use. The unique benefits for the  homeowner include a number of items, including:

? Improved Outdoor Game Performance —A great surface that performs as well as any institutional flooring system. In fact, Flex Court and other all weather surfaces are used both in outdoor and indoor venues.
? Ultimate Foot Traction — Less likely to have injuries form poor traction and slipping.
? Lower Surface Temperatures — Compared to concrete and asphalt, when receiving direct sunlight, the surface temperature is 10 at least degrees (or more) less with a multi weather surface like Flex Court.
? No Standing Water Or Puddles —The surfaces are designed and installed to drain effectively and dry quickly.  If needed, a squeegee can be used to quicken the drying process.
? Reduced Maintenance —There is very little maintenance needed.  What is required is general cleaning that can be done with a hose.

A Parent’s Best Friend

“The overriding thing that parents tell me about why they love there all weather court is that it becomes ground central for their kids,”  says Fraser.“They like it and their friends do too.They’re active together, doing healthy things. It’s simple; they know what their kids are doing.”

Accessories add a great deal of versatility to the court structure, giving everybody in the family a chance to use it to their benefit. Such as:

? Tennis
? Roller Hockey
? Basketball
? Hopscotch
? Volleyball
? Four-square
? Badminton
? Shuffleboard
? Many Others

Aesthetics, Flexibility, Support:  Things To Consider

There are some good all weather court systems to consider; when looking at what is best for your family.  A good suggestion is to look at the colors, accessories and additional game options, as well as reviewing the warranties.  Flex Court offers pro-rated warranties for 5, 8, 11 and 15 years.  Those compare favorably with other manufacturers.  Most importantly however, customers have to feel secure in their purchase and comfortable with the manner in which their supplier will back up their new court.  If the homeowner considers the aesthetics, flexibility and support, they’ll end up with the best product for them. 

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