Swimming Pool Realities: Wisconsin vs.The Sunbelt

“The internet provides consumers with a great deal of information, giving them more perspective than ever in the past,” says Duane Farwell, Owner of Farwell Swimming Pools in Madison.  “Unfortunately, because a swimming pool is a product in which aesthetics plays a major role in the decision making process, it can lead to building the wrong structure in the wrong place because there are specific regional factors that will affect the level of enjoyment a homeowner will experience.”

Climate Changes…

“Design features that are advantageous in one region can be less so in another, ”Farwell adds.  “A good contractor will take the time to review the design options a homeowner has identified, and point out things that will be less desirable over time. One thing I do with each customer, especially those who have found the ‘dream design’ online, is identify any features other pool owners have mentioned as problematic.

Duane’s Short List Of Big Issues:

Pool Covers:

Pool covers are a vital feature of pools in northern states because they retain heat for the homeowner.  Retained heat means more comfortable swimming and lower energy costs.  The easiest pools to cover are rectangular or square in design.   According to Duane, they are exceptionally easy to cover.  However, irregularly shaped pools, no matter what design, are nearly impossible to cover effectively. 

The significance here is that many of the most unique designs such as kidney shaped, shell shaped or others with rounded sides create a situation where covering is difficult.  In the south and west, heat loss isn’t an issue.  A properly covered swimming pool is very efficient, resulting in much lower energy costs. 

“You need to take advantage of free heat gain, and prevent heat loss from your pool in Wisconsin,” says Duane.


Large waterfalls that fall directly into a pool are another big no-no for a Midwestern pool owner.  Waterfalls are popular in the southern and western states to help cool water.  The sun exposure in the Sunbelt heats pool water to a point where it can lose its refreshing quality and cooling the water is an element of good pool design.

Aesthetically, waterfalls are beautiful.  And there is no shortage of stunning designs on the internet or in magazines.  Too often, however, homeowners want to recreate a pool layout created for another climate.  Waterfalls can be incorporated in to a northern pool design successfully; they just need to be designed differently.

Waterfalls cool water. In a region where minimizing heat loss is a big issue, that can be a problem, ”Farwell says.  “Looking at it from a pool heating perspective, you will be heating the entire outdoors and your waterfall will make your heating costs to soar.

Diving Boards:

While diving boards are a forgone conclusion for many, Farwell reports that many second time customers will ask for a pool without a diving board.  This  allows building a pool with a gentler slope for numerous activities such as water basketball and volleyball, increasing the pools usability for all ages.

The Sign Of A Reputable Contractor

“A good contractor should be asking why you want to do certain things, ”Farwell says.  “Contractors can build anything and generally do a good job.  But, the question is, when it comes to swimming pools, is a design conducive to our climate and your specific needs. Having the right features will affect your long term enjoyment and satisfaction with your pool.”

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