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Gutters / Protection

Gutter Insights

There are many important elements required in keeping a home protected from wind, water and other weather damage, but perhaps no feature is as under appreciated or as important as the gutters. The purpose of a gutter system is to channel rainwater from the roof, to the gutters, into downspouts and away from the foundation of the house. Without properly functioning gutters, homes can suffer significant damage.

Options for gutters include steel, aluminum, vinyl and copper. Many types of gutters (steel and vinyl in particular) are sold in 10’ lengths and require seams fastened with slip fittings.

Another alternative well worth considering is the installation of seamless aluminum gutters. Seamless technology is the most popular gutter system today. Seamless advantages include:

  • Reduces the possibility of leaks
  • Baked on enamel finish never needs painting
  • Enhances the beauty of your home and landscaping
  • Many colors from which to choose
  • Formed on the job site for exact measurements

Guarding Your Gutters

Maintenance needs of gutters should also be considered when installing or replacing gutters.
Generically known as gutter guards, leaf guards or gutter screens, as well as by a number of specific brand names, they share the common goal of allowing water to enter the gutters while at the same time blocking all the debris that the water carries with it.

There are two basic forms of guards- perforated styles and surface tension styles. Perforated styles are basically pieces of perforated or woven metal that sits on the top of your gutter. The principal is simple - water flows through the holes in the guard, but debris is too big to get in. They work fine for most leaves and also catch a large portion of needles, but they do allow smaller dirt to filter through. When enough leaves or needles build up on top of the screen, it becomes ineffective and needs to be cleaned.

Surface tension styles are higher tech and generally work better than the simpler perforated or slotted styles. The typical surface-tension gutter guard fits over the top of your gutter and almost completely encloses it.

Ice Dam Solutions

Unfortunately, living in a climate that has freezing and thawing temperatures through part of the year creates another issue of which to be aware. When the temperature freezes, the snow or ice in your gutters can freeze solid, blocking the path for runoff. When the weather warms up enough to melt the ice, the top layer will melt first and back up onto the roof. If there is another freeze, the ice and water can go underneath the shingles on your roof and leak into the house, causing damage to your insulation, ceilings and walls.

To prevent this from happening, the best thing is to make sure you have proper insulation and ventilation in your attic.

Another method of prevention is the use of heat tapes or other heat systems. The heat will keep the snow and ice from freezing solid and building up, in and around the gutters eliminating water from backing up onto the roof.

A good contractor can help you assess the potential problems with ice dams for your particular situation and guide you through the appropriate solution options.


Gutter Protection / Roofing / Windows / Siding

Our mission is to provide the highest quality workmanship with the latest products for our customers. We strive to offer the absolute best of the best in service, from the first phone call to completion, our customers should feel, see and know that they have experienced the pinnacle in workmanship and service. Our goal is to achieve the highest level of service and customer satisfaction in the industry.

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'Dammed If You Don’t…’

This is the time of year when homeowners find themselves dreading the ice and damning the dams — the ice dams that form on eaves and along the edges of roofs. Ice dams are formed when snow — as little as one or two inches will do the trick — on a roof, is melted by heat leaking through the roof from the attic. The melting snow runs down the roof and refreezes at the roof edge, where there’s no house heat to keep the snow in liquid form.Read Full

Eliminating Ice Dams: Thermal Heat Panel Systems and Heat Cables

Thermal Heat Panel Systems protect against ice build up that can damage shingles and create water leaks in your roofs and walls. Ice issues may occur if your home has any of the following: Skylights, Vaulted Ceilings, Poor Attic Insulation.Read Full

The AfterWrath: Ice Dam Damage

An ice dam is a ridge of ice that typically forms at the lower edge of the roof allowing water to pool behind it. Untreated water leakage from behind an ice dam can penetrate into the home which can cause exterior and interior damage. Read Full

Roof Problems? Be Sure The Diagnosis Is Correct

The roof is part of a system including the roof itself, gutters, soffits, siding, ventilation and other systems within the home. Certainly, roofs can wear out over time. However, if your roof requires repair or replacement pre-maturely, there is a good chance something within the system is not functioning correctly and has accelerated the aging process. Read Full