Heat and Moisture: Your Attics Worst Enemies

“Attic moisture can be a signal for many things”, says Gina Richardson, Manager of Brighter Concepts of Madison, “from a newer home which is tightly sealed trapping moisture to a damp basement with which excess moisture rises to your attic.  But, no matter what the cause of moisture, the bottomline is that if it is left alone, it will harm your home and potentially be a health risk for your family in terms of mold and mildew.” Many homes have small passive vents designed to let hot, moist air flow out.  “However, most are ineffective because they simply do not expel air at a high  enough rate to lessen heat and moisture to a healthy level.  To address this situation, solar powered attic fans (such as the Solar Star produced by Brighter Concepts), were developed to aggressively deal with the heat and moisture levels that can ravage an attic.  Because they are solar powered, the fans work at no cost after installation, continually removing hot, moist air. 

Suppressing Heat Build Up

A hot attic acts like a giant radiator, transferring heat into your living spaces, increasing utility bills as temperatures get higher.   In climates like  Wisconsin, heat build-up in an attic causes snow to melt and run down where it freezes at the eaves, causing destructive ice damming.  No matter what time of the year, improper ventilation can magnify problems.  Solar powered ventilators are not the only option.   Electric powered attic ventilators are available.  But they are engaged by either a thermostat (measuring temperature) or a humidistat (measuring humidity).  In both cases the ventilators are working from behind.  With a thermostat, the heat build up prior to the ventilator engaging means it will be playing catch up.  With a humidistat, by the time humidity levels reach the preset activation level, condensation and moisture have already reached a critical point, creating a perfect environment for mold.

Necessity—The Mother Of  Invention

These situations served as the catalyst for developing a product such as the Solar Star. The result is a product that doesn’t have the costly problem of replacing thermostats or humidistats as electric ventilators require.  A solar driven ventilator functions from sunup to sundown, never allowing  humidity and temperature levels to reach critical activation levels.  A properly ventilated attic can help you accomplish the following:
► Prolong your roof ’s life
► Reduce damaging condensation
► Protect insulation from moisture saturation
► Fight mold and fungal decay.
► Lower your utility costs (both heating and cooling)
► Make your living environment comfortable.


"By placing the unit where it is most effective, the highest point on the roof, it can properly circulate air and ventilate your attic space, transforming your home into a comfortable living environment."  Gina Richardson, Manager of Brighter Concepts of Madison.


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